Frequently Asked Questions

Are the classes all online?

Yes, this is a 100% online membership. Not interested? Wait! Keep reading! The uniqueness of this program is that it maintains the benefits of in person coaching. These online classes are offered with support, community, and individual feedback in a small class setting — we guarantee you’ll get more out of this program than any in person group program you’ve tried. Plus, the classes are only 30 minutes and you can do them conveniently in your own home.

What’s the class schedule?

All classes are 30 minutes. Currently, we have 12 classes on the schedule with morning, midday and late afternoon options. We’ll continue to add more classes as needed to make sure all classes have a maximum of 6 students. Check out the schedule here.

What if I’m younger than 50 years old?

The idea behind an age limit is not to actively exclude anyone, and truthfully, 50 is an arguably arbitrary number. However, generally speaking, late 40’s and early 50’s are the time when many people are coming to terms with the changes in physical ability in their bodies. This membership is designed to be a guide and a resource for those people. If you feel like you fit perfectly into that category but are in your 40’s, send an email to about wanting to join and someone will get back to you within 24 hours.

Can online classes really be effective? Seems like in person classes would make more sense.

Not all online classes are created equal, and there are many online offerings out there that are really lacking. That’s why at The MOB we’ve designed the program to incorporate the benefits from in person coaching. Participants can log on before the instructor to chat creating a sense of community, there are only a maximum of 6 participants per class, and the coaches are watching your movements more closely than they would be able to in person. I, and the rest of the coaches in this membership, have been successfully conducting our movement businesses online throughout the pandemic. We are practiced in being able to see what’s happening on our screens, as long as we can see you! Your responsibility is placing your camera in a spot where we can see you from head to toe. Many people find online classes more convenient as they don’t have to leave their homes to take class. Additionally, being in the comfort of your own home can add an element of safety and confidence in your movement practice.

Are you, Alia, going to still be teaching some of the classes?

Yes! I teach 3 classes a week. The coaches on the team are people whom I look up to, whose own practices mirror the values with which I practice, and who are passionate about helping people feel better in their bodies. I chose them carefully and promise there will be a lot to learn from each of them!

Will I need equipment to take the classes?

Yes. While at the beginning of your journey, you won’t need any weights, within a couple of months or sooner based on your strength, and in order to make the most of the classes, you will want to have light, medium, and heavy weights (kettlebells or dumbbells) as well as a resistance band or two, and two yoga blocks. If you’re not sure you want to invest in equipment right away, that’s ok! The coaches will modify the movements for you till you decide you’re ready. The rest of what you might need will be household items such as stools, chairs, long wooden spoons, towels, blankets, etc. And again, the coaches are great at modifying the movement to fit what you have so that you can be anywhere and take the class. If you’re not sure what equipment is best for you, you’ll have the chance to talk about it with your coach during your initial consult.

I’m hesitant to join because of my injury/chronic pain situation. What should I do?

It’s completely understandable to hesitate joining a group class when you have a specific injury or really impeding chronic pain. You’ll want to schedule an initial assessment with a coach. From there, the two of you might decide that you need a few private sessions to prepare you to join the membership — this means learning more about your movements and your needs, helping you learn the modifications that are best for you in each movement situation, and deciding which classes on the schedule might be best for you to take upon joining. Once you’re ready to join, know that the coach for each class will know about your injury history ahead of time — communication among the coaches about the individual members as well as collaboration for how best to help you meet your goals is one of the unique parts of this membership.

How long will the classes be and how many will be offered?

Classes are 30 minutes. The goal is to keep the classes short and sweet to fit into your busy day as well as encourage you to take several classes a week. There are currently 12 classes that take place either in the morning, midday, or late afternoon. We are excited to continue to add classes and various class times as the membership grows.

Will there be recordings?

Yes, there will be recordings of all the classes, and recordings will be available for 7 days. To make the most of this membership, it’s recommended that you attend the classes live as much as possible so the coaches can give you feedback. However, if it's a recorded class or nothing, take the recordings! As the membership grows, there will be more class times to meet everyone's schedule needs.

I’m not interested in strength or agility, I just want to take some mobility classes.

No one is going to keep you from taking those mobility classes or make you take strength classes! However, the purpose of Longevity Training is to give you a well rounded program that addresses a variety of needs to stay moving well with every year that goes by. Strength, mobility and agility all work hand in hand, and your assigned membership coach can help you decide which classes with which coaches are best for your needs. But again, if you only want to take one type of class because you get your strength and agility training in elsewhere, that’s totally fine!

Why is it called The MOB?

MOB was the shorthand name for the mobility classes I, Alia, was teaching during the pandemic. Mob classes became a mob membership and the members formed a close knit community that turned into being called The MOB. So MOB is short for mobility but also a nickname for a supportive community that exists around a set of values. You can read more about the story here.

Why doesn’t Longevity Training include balance?

Longevity Training is physical training to regain and maintain strength, mobility, and agility to live longer and enjoy living longer. Balance isn’t specifically included because if you’re strong, mobile, AND agile, your balance will be covered. Balance as we age isn’t just about being able to stand on one leg like Tree Pose in yoga. It’s about catching yourself when something disrupts your stability. Balance is the process by which you’re able to get yourself re-centered. If your legs are strong, your hips/knees/ankles are mobile and your feet can move fast enough, you’re most likely going to be able to maintain your balance. But don't fret! There will absolutely be balance specific exercises and even balance classes on the schedule.

What about cardio?

Cardio will automatically be part of some classes as a byproduct of the movements. Truthfully, endurance training (being able to sustain a zone 2 heart rate for at least 30 minutes) is a very important component to physical training for longevity. However at this time, it will not be part of the membership. It’s possible that an add on program will be created in the future phases of the membership to accommodate for endurance training.

How does private coaching work?

All of the coaches are specialists in the field of movement and each have their own businesses outside of the membership. As you take classes and form a relationship with each one of them, you’ll get to choose which coach best meets your needs if you feel you need some extra one-on-one attention. The membership includes a discount o each of their services. At this time, you will need to contact your coach of choice and schedule an appointment with them separately through their own website and platform for their business, not through The MOB platform. Working privately with a coach is not a requirement or part of the membership, it’s an additional resource to help support you with a specific need outside the class setting.

What exactly is a membership coach?

As a part of the membership, you will be assigned a membership coach. This coach will conduct your assessment session before you join and is your point of contact for your membership. An optional 15 minute monthly check in with your coach is included with your membership, and your coach will be available to you via text and email during business hours to answer any questions that will help support your experience in the classes.

Didn’t find your answer? E-mail and someone will get back to you within 24 hours.