Please note that this schedule is subject to change, especially as we’e just gotten started!
Don’t see a class at a convenient time for you? Let us know! We’re adjust class offerings, coaches, and times based on your needs.

All classes are all levels! Options will be provided for the movements as the coaches assess the needs of the group.

Classes are available for registration on The MOB app after signing up for the monthly membership. (click here for Android users)

All classes are 30min and shown in EST.


Integrated Core
Core is more than crunches and planks! In this class we will cultivate deeper awareness of the beautiful bones and muscles that form the center of our bodies. We will strengthen in all planes of motion, cultivating a responsive core that supports efficient movement throughout our day. Expect both isolated core exercises and full-body movements that integrate core strength.

Strength Essentials
This class will cover the foundational strength skills of pushing, squatting, hinging, pulling, and carrying. Weights are not required, but will eventually be encouraged. Some household equipment may be required, as well as yoga blocks/books.

Deep Stretch
A no frills stretch class where we hold passive stretches for at least 2 minutes while focusing on rhythmic breathing.  Please have props such as a blanket, blocks, and a strap handy.

Lift + Carry

A directly applicable class to everyday life, practice the multitude of ways we can lift and carry heavy things. In this class you will learn specific skills and efficient strategies for approaching a lift by addressing the hips, shoulders, back, feet, and core.

Agility + Balance
Agility refers to the quickness and ease with which you can move and balance refers to the steadiness with which you can hold a single position. Both are important for preventing and catching falls. We’ll focus on anything related to balance and agility whether it’s foot strength, proprioception, vision and vestibular challenges, quick feet, and many other facets. You do NOT have to be able to balance on one foot or even have good balance to attend this class! There will be options for all levels for every exercise. Occasional household props such as a blanket/towel, yoga blocks may be used.

Morning Mobility

Explore various accessible ways and ideas of moving the body. Expect unique dynamic stretching and mobility movements for the full body to leave you rejuvenated for the day.  Minimal or no equipment required. The class will be a follow along format with feedback and modifications to the movements as needed.  Inspiration for this class can be found in softer martial arts, yoga, dance, pilates and rehab.

Advanced Strength
Work on strengthening and mobilizing the body using your body weight and some equipment (chair, kettlebell/dumbbells, resistance bands). The work will consist of utilizing supersets and other efficient methods, where you prioritize quality over quantity. Expect fun and juicy variations of squats, push-ups, rows, and other exercises at a consistent pace. To join this class, you are ideally comfortable: balancing on one foot, getting down and up off the floor without your hands, bearing weight on your wrists in a high plank position, and self modifying exercises as needed.

Healthy Hips
The keys to moving well are healthy joints, perhaps none more important than your hips.  Join Joe to learn about simple self assessments, and entry point activities to build hip rotation to improve your movement efficiency.

Lower Body Focus
An all levels class focusing on the lower body. Expect a combination of strength, mobility, balance, floor exercises, and active stretching with options for all levels for every exercise.

Upper Body Mobility

A mobility class focusing on anything in the upper body from shoulders, neck, ribcage, spine, elbows and wrists. Improve your joints’ abilities to move within their full ranges of motion, helping you create more options for movement in your daily life as well as adding new ranges in which to gain strength over time.